Sunday, December 5, 2010

Creative Studies 5-Random Word / Image Association

Random word/Image association-An idea generation method creating more opportunities/chances to generate new ideas.

Random word can gives out many opportunities but it is us who put it to good use. The image below is the whole concept of random word.
*The best way to get a good idea is to get a lot of ideas by Linus Pauling.

To create scary images/object that will install fear among people through out the ages.
Random word: "CAT"

1. eyes.
2. shadow.
3. sound.
4. carnivore.

Creative Studies 4-Juxtaposition (Continued)

We continued the lesson with a picture of a "CHILLI" and we need to write a poem on it based on the concept of "LOVE".

My love for you is like red chilli,
You make me hot, burning me,
Every bite makes me dizzy,
Your curvy shape excites me.

There are a few more images to choose and their concepts to write on.

Here, is to describe "HAPPINESS" with "TIME".

Time means happiness to me, 
The more time we spent together,
The more happy I became,
Every time is our time, 
For you are the best time of my life. 

This is to describe the "BURNING CANDLE" with "LIFE".

Life is like a burning candle,
The more it burns the shorter it is,
Slowly ripping off every inch of me,
Extinguishing my final soul.

The final one is to describe the concept of  "MAN" or "WOMAN" with "MORTAR" and "PESTLE"

Woman is the pestle while man is the mortar,
No matter how hard it pounds to him,
It is still hard and tough. 

Self-written poems.
Notes from MMLS.

Creative Studies 4-Juxtaposition

What is juxtaposition? 
JUXTA- means near, nearby or close while POSITION means place/placing.
Therefore, juxtaposition is the act of placing something close together. More accurately side-by-side as an act to show comparison of similarities or differences.

This week's topic is a bit confusing for me as juxtaposition are divided into many types like similes, metaphors, logical analogy & affective anology.

Similes-Using "like" or "as". Example, as blind as a bat.
Metaphors-Does not use "like" or "as" but instead comparing 2 things with some similarities. Example, it is raining cats and dogs.
Logical analogy-Comparison of the body structure and function of something with another. Example, the eagle  is compared to the aeroplane-both can fly in the sky.
Affective analogy-Direct to the point mostly uses animal resemblance. Example, He is like a skunk (He stinks)

In class, we were given these words. We have to choose 3 pair of numbers from 00-99. I had chosen 04, 44, 48.

Then, we build sentences from the words of those numbers and draw out based on the sentences we wrote.

1. The killing fly walk up the snowy mountain.

2. The bright light shines over the small mountain.

3. Dirty oil is poured out by the gaint mountain.

Lastly combining both word into 1 images.

Later on we are asked to combine 2 animals and make 3 of them. This is what I came out of.

Own drawn images.
Notes from MMLS.

Creative Studies 3-Mind Mapping

This week we learned about Mind mapping, which is introduced by Tony Buzan.
Mind map is a diagram which starts from a central point and spreads out with more ideas, concepts, examples, and much more but it is made simple with 1 word or a picture. It is a from of problem solving method. It is better if the mind map is formed with various mediums like pictures and colours so that it is interesting and our mind will absorb the information faster.

Logical Mind Map-This mind map is connected in every way which is also known as stereotypes. This way, idea generation is very limited as we just connect to the stereotypes.

Associated Mind Map-This mind map is different in the sense that the ideas are linked but not related to each other or even to the main topic which does not make any sense. (Random)

**Both images above are taken from Google Image.

In class, we have to do a mindmap on our friend's personality and draw a picture of them, so this is what my friend wrote about me and drawn a picture of me.

Then, we were given images of a mortar and pestle. An associated mindmap is given to us too and we had to choose 3 words from the mindmap and use it with the mortar and pestle. I had chosen these 3 words:-Suffer, Game, & Religion.

SUFFER: Children who disobeys their parents will suffer the punishment where they have to bend forward and their backside is place with the pestle and the mortar use to hit the pestle inside the ass. 

GAME: A new type of game where you wear the mortar as shoes, use the mortar and pestle as shield and weapon and a mortar on your head to represent level. They will have to fight each other and the winner will add the number of mortar on his head to represent more powerful.

RELIGION: Every evening, people in the village will light fire in the mortar and carry it with a pestle passing it to everyone in the village to ask for blessing from the evening god.

Notes from MMLS.

Creative Studies 2-Novelty, Creativity, Innovation & Invention

Novelty-the "quality" of something new. (fresh, new & original)

Creativity-the way people use their minds in finding solution in everyday life or creating something new despite the problems faced through new ways, techniques and concepts.

Innovation-the "introduction" to something new.

Invention-a new creation, tool, mindset which influences society in accepting it.

When we combine this values together, we will get to use our skills, experiences and knowledge (creativity) to make something originally new (novelty) which is introduced to the society (innovation) in the form of an item (invention).

There are 2 types of Creativity. One with the capital "C" and the other the small "c". What makes them different is the "value" it brings to a person. The small "c" is the creativity that people possesses which does not change people's mindset. However, the capital "C" is the great creativity possessed by some people in creating new things and idea which exceeds normal people's thinkings to change other people's mindset.

So, how to be "c" to "C" ?

                 LEARNING PROCESS
"c"----------------------------------------------------------> "C"

Now, What has this person got to do with Novelty, Creativity, Innovation & Invention?
Obviously we know this person... Who else if it's not Bill Gates the creator of Microsoft.
Bill Gates was a dropout from Harvard University. Since he was young, he was interested in computers when he was introduced to the Teletype machine. He learned to do programming-software to play the game of Risk and many more computer-related works.

He have all 4 criterias in his works and continue improving it.
Creativity- Read, Learn, Study, Research & Explore more on computer software for many years.
Novelty- Quality of his new program -The Microsoft which is useful & beneficial for everyone.
Innovation- Introducing Windows program to society.
Invention- Create Windows program and is use world wide now.

Based on self-opinion.
Notes from MMLS.
Images from Google Image.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Creative Studies 1-Creativity


Thinking out of the box, in the box, turn it upside down or anyway possible?
From the first week, BOX... BOX... BOX... 
Sure get crazy. HATE YOU, BOX!

When thinking too much you ask too many questions in ur mind and you cannot decide and it waste a lot of time. It's true though. Try thinking about deciding what would you have for dinner.
What should I eat? Rice? Noodles? Bread?
Then, Is it filling? Will I get hungry later at night? or etc.
It will take forever for you to eat.

Now it's the "CHALLENGE" for me.. Brain killing. @_@

Left or right brain?
Being an intelligent person or a thinker? Which to choose?
Intelligent as in straight-to-the-point or Thinker as in turn around in circles until you come to an answer?
Who should I choose to be? >.<

Creative-To do something out of the ordinary with combination of both left and right brain's function (laterally thinking). So, how to do this? Smashing your brain and joining with wires? good idea..

CREATIVITY-the generation of new ideas or a new way of doing things with the skill of thinking intelligently.
There are many misconceptions on the term of "Creativity"
1. Only special talented people are creative.
    Hardwork = Creative.
2. Being creative is hard.
    It is the ability to develop creativity.
3. Problems are in our life to make it more difficult.
    Problems is the key to learn and makes us find more ways/solutions which makes us creative.
4. I am not creative.
    Effort / Time = Creativity.
5. Innovation is the domain of geniuses.
    Hardwork + Hardships + Struggles = Innovation / Success.
6. I have to have brand new ideas in order for me to be considered creative.
    The truth is there are no new ideas in the world unless the ideas from people like the the Wright brothers,
    Albert Einstein and many more. Ideas are recycled by combining old medium/tools forming new things
    (novelty) based on environment.

Albert Einstein who created the light bulb.

The Wright Brothers who created the airplane.

7. Brainstorming is hard work.
    There are many ways in brainstorming for ideas. Different people uses different ways like some in
    mindmap, point form or even pictures maybe. Who knows...
8. Creativity comes when you least expected.
    This happens to me a few times when an idea suddenly popped up when I was bathing. Weird isn't it?
9. Only artists need to be creative.
    Not really... Everyone is creative, you just doesn't realized it. When your mother make a lunchbox for your
    baby brother, she will make a funny face or character with the ingredients she use so that you baby brother
    will eat it. That means your mother is creative in a way. You can be too! Simple things like that is creative.
    It's the way you put it to good use.

Windows XP lunchbox.

Teddy bear lunchbox.

Sleeping cat lunchbox

Wall-E lunchbox

Sunny side up eggs with pancake and chocolate flakes
10. Writer’s block is a greatest obstacle in the creative process.
       In other words to totally block your creative zone. We have to regularly use our creative ability in order
       to be creative and do not worry in making mistakes. For every mistakes we make makes us gain more
       experiences. If you never try it out, you will never know.
       "An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail" by Dr. Edwin Land.
11. Using structured creative techniques will hinder my ability to be creative.
      Have your own way of thinking out ideas which suits you better. Don't follow others if they way is difficult
      to you. Do what you think is possible for yourself. Like they say, "Have it your way..." (slogan from
      Burger King). Eventhough Burger King is not really related but the slogan does in someway. ^_^

Creativity-Nobody had the correct definition on creativity but to me Creativity is the way people use their minds in finding solution in everyday life or creating something new despite the problems faced through new ways, techniques and concepts.

Example of creative pendrives.
Sushi set Pendrives

Iron Man pendrive

Donut pendrive

Well, look at the picture below and think about this for a moment.

Therefore, we have to have balanced in both sides of the brain. Not only the creative side but the logical side too. That means when we create something new which is interesting and useful to us.

Based on my own opinion.
Notes from MMLS.
All images are taken from Google image.
Credits to Burger King for the slogan.


Melody Yeow Yee Kheng is my given name.

Friends call me Mel. Maybe coz it's simple. 

1102700962~ID number

18 years of my life I have live on this world. 

Cool, simple and crazy a little. Depends.

Hometown, Melaka.