Sunday, December 5, 2010

Creative Studies 2-Novelty, Creativity, Innovation & Invention

Novelty-the "quality" of something new. (fresh, new & original)

Creativity-the way people use their minds in finding solution in everyday life or creating something new despite the problems faced through new ways, techniques and concepts.

Innovation-the "introduction" to something new.

Invention-a new creation, tool, mindset which influences society in accepting it.

When we combine this values together, we will get to use our skills, experiences and knowledge (creativity) to make something originally new (novelty) which is introduced to the society (innovation) in the form of an item (invention).

There are 2 types of Creativity. One with the capital "C" and the other the small "c". What makes them different is the "value" it brings to a person. The small "c" is the creativity that people possesses which does not change people's mindset. However, the capital "C" is the great creativity possessed by some people in creating new things and idea which exceeds normal people's thinkings to change other people's mindset.

So, how to be "c" to "C" ?

                 LEARNING PROCESS
"c"----------------------------------------------------------> "C"

Now, What has this person got to do with Novelty, Creativity, Innovation & Invention?
Obviously we know this person... Who else if it's not Bill Gates the creator of Microsoft.
Bill Gates was a dropout from Harvard University. Since he was young, he was interested in computers when he was introduced to the Teletype machine. He learned to do programming-software to play the game of Risk and many more computer-related works.

He have all 4 criterias in his works and continue improving it.
Creativity- Read, Learn, Study, Research & Explore more on computer software for many years.
Novelty- Quality of his new program -The Microsoft which is useful & beneficial for everyone.
Innovation- Introducing Windows program to society.
Invention- Create Windows program and is use world wide now.

Based on self-opinion.
Notes from MMLS.
Images from Google Image.

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